It’s often a challenge to come up with
something extremely unique to blog about — which is why today we list our top
10 Indie Micro Niche for Blogging In…
Top 10 Indie Micro Niche for Blogging In the US
Uber Business Insights
If you’re in the business of wanting to be a blog for Uber, you can do it.
However, once you start offering insights on the business of Uber, you need
to be good — really good — at capturing the audience’s attention and helping
them become active customers.
So one of the pieces of advice we tell entrepreneurs is that if you go
blogging for Uber, we’re sure you won’t have to be on Uber’s payroll to say
But seriously.
This is a crowded sector. It doesn’t have a huge boom in the blogosphere just
yet, but it could very well be because, right now, there’s not a lot of
real-time reports coming from business intelligence companies.
But it should.
We’re seeing such a big interest in this sector of marketing and online
engagement because real-time updates and insights on your customers are just
increasingly becoming a fundamental part of any business’s digital evolution,
and this is especially true for ride-sharing companies.
Just Follow the Dominance of Data and become a Data Analyst
Of course, if you’re into blogging
about Uber for its data, you can’t sit there the whole time doing this — if you
have a data analyst who’s really good at this, who needs your blog on Uber
If you want to let your BI specialist shine, though, we’re going to
strongly recommend you go into the entire world of big data and get an
undergraduate degree in it.
Don’t ask questions about where the data is coming from, how many people
are working on it, and what all the calculations are, instead ask a good
question about how we can provide as thorough an answer to you as possible.
If you don’t, then ask us how Uber can do more with your data in our blog
Want to run similar posts but now produce an entire blog series that
summarizes what business intelligence and BI companies are doing with Uber’s
data and this intersection of data and corporate strategy? Email us and let’s
learn from each other.