Currently, there are multiple varieties of mobile technologies, including phones, the internet, computer, virtual reality, speakers, and other communication devices. They are all designed with specific advantages. A digitized product contains interactivity where users click, click, and type to move the program and display. This interaction allows people to interact with the entire software for the better monitoring of their health. However, there are still major disadvantages in applying this technology for health care, which necessitate the need to employ a digitally-induced interactive healthcare system (e.g., a computer app for monitoring your oxygen levels and blood pressure).
Technological systems have been recognized as having various benefits and weaknesses. These two important facts outweigh the differences to maintain the effectiveness of a system. Research continues to showcase how technological systems can be used to improve businesses, augment the quality of life, and improve information governance. These systems depend on two factors, namely the organization’s stability and the capabilities of the technological system. In the past, business growth and technological systems have been conversely and violently linked. Increasing technological expansions and expenses have made it unavoidable to employ a technological product. The authentication of the technology is another must and, therefore, computer systems are specially linked to legitimate identification processes. However, the efficiency of an organic system depends on communication and improvement. An evaluation of the current contribution of technological systems to computer systems versus healthcare system indicates that computer systems are optimal substitutes for manual processes such as a computerized medical diagnosis system. However, there are still several areas where the best opportunities are lies, especially in providing similar clinical services with the ability to communicate with e-systems.